Oral Wellness Blogs

The History and Cultural Significance of Tongue Cleaning
You too? Seeing the procedure of tongue cleaning swirl in popularity? As bright a spotlight as it's getting these days, it is not a novel concept. The history and cultural...
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What is a Copper Tongue Cleaner and Why You Need One
As much as they are preached to be enough for dental care, flossing and brushing, 2 of the most important techniques still don’t cover your tongue and the bacteria that...
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Top Health Benefits of Using a Copper Tongue Cleaner Daily
Do you care about your oral health? Then you probably brush your teeth twice daily and use a mouthwash without fail. Now let us ask you- do you care about...
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Why Should We Use Herbal Toothpaste?
Herbal toothpaste is becoming more popular, and for good reason. Our gums absorb whatever we put in our mouths, which means both the good and bad ingredients in toothpaste and...
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What Are The Benefits of Fluoride-Free Toothpaste?
A lot of people today are considering switching to fluoride-free natural toothpaste. Why? The answer is simple- fluoride-free options are kinder to your teeth and gums, avoiding the irritation and...
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The Unsung Hero of Oral Hygiene: The Reach of Mouthwash
It’s a well-known fact that mouthwash can reach the areas of your mouth that flossers and toothbrushes can’t. Common ingredients that dominate mouthwashes are- 1. Antimicrobial Agents- These kill bacteria...
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