Sensitive Teeth: Causes, Remedies & Treatments

Do you get hit by a sharp, biting shockwave across your mouth everytime you sip on your hot coffee or take a scoopful of your favourite ice cream? Then you may be one of the many people who suffer from sensitive teeth. 

This pain, which is brought on by a variety of stimuli like hot, cold, sweet, or acidic materials, can have a big influence on day-to-day living. It is possible to reduce this sensitivity and bring comfort back to your dental routine by being aware of the roots of this condition and finding efficient remedies. In this blog, we will run you through the underlying causes, symptoms, and therapeutic options for sensitive teeth. Let’s get started-


Getting to Know Tooth Sensitivity

Getting to Know Tooth Sensitivity

Sharp, abrupt pain or discomfort in reaction to outside stimuli is a hallmark of tooth sensitivity, sometimes referred to as dentin hypersensitivity in clinical settings. This feeling happens when the dentin and nerve endings beneath the teeth's enamel and cementum are exposed due to a breach in their protective coverings. 

The tooth's pulp, or nerve centre, is connected to dentin, a porous material with microscopic tubules. Tooth sensitivity can occur when these tubules are subjected to stimuli that cause pain signals, such as changes in temperature or acidic substances.

Signs of Hypersensitivity in Teeth

Signs of Hypersensitivity in Teeth

While the signs and symptoms of sensitive teeth differ from person to person, they usually involve intense, shooting pain when eating or drinking anything hot, cold, sweet, or acidic. Pain or discomfort when brushing or coming into contact with chilly air is also a common symptom. Sensitivity is generally localised at the roots of afflicted teeth and can vary over time from slight twinges to intense agony.

Reasons Why People Get Tooth Sensitivity

Reasons Why People Get Tooth Sensitivity

Gum recession and enamel erosion are the main causes of tooth sensitivity. Acidic foods and beverages, severe brushing, and medical problems like acid reflux can all cause enamel erosion. The teeth's delicate root surfaces are exposed by gum recession, which increases their vulnerability to pain and suffering. 

Additional variables that may worsen sensitivity include dental procedures like teeth whitening, bruxism (grinding of the teeth) etc.

Recognizing Triggers

Recognizing Triggers

Identifying and staying away from triggers is essential for controlling dental sensitivity. Temperature swings, acidic foods, sweets, cold air, and rigorous brushing are common causes. 

For those with sensitive teeth, recognising and limiting exposure to these triggers can help reduce discomfort and stop any  more enamel loss or gum recession.

Controlling Sensitivity to Teeth

Gentle oral hygiene techniques, appropriate flossing, routine dental checkups, and the use of sensitive toothpaste and mouthwash are all effective tooth sensitivity treatment techniques. 

While professional treatments like fluoride applications or dental procedures like gum grafts may be necessary for severe cases, over-the-counter medications can offer temporary relief.

Purexa toothpaste for senstitive teeth

Purexa Herbal Sensitive Toothpaste  is made from herbal ingredients and is highly effective in treating teeth sensitivity. It helps in building enamel and keeps teeth from recessing. It seals open dentinal tubules to contain sensitivity.

Taking Care of the Underlying Conditions

Taking Care of the Underlying Conditions

Long-term treatment requires treating underlying issues that make sensitivity worse. To stop more enamel erosion and gum recession, medical or dental intervention is necessary for conditions including acid reflux, bulimia, or bruxism. Gum recession should be addressed and problems should be avoided by rapidly treating periodontal disease, if it is present.

The Path Back to Wholeness

The Path Back to Wholeness

A complete strategy that include expert interventions, avoidance of triggers, and good dental hygiene is necessary to recover from tooth sensitivity. Sensitivity reduction is a slow process that may require continuing care, so it's critical to maintain oral health with patience and consistency.

When to Get Expert Assistance?

When to Get Expert Assistance

A dentist should be consulted if tooth sensitivity is severe or persistent. To avoid difficulties and restore dental health, people who have spontaneous tooth pain, localised sensitivity, or obvious symptoms of decay or damage should get evaluated and treated right away.

Suggested Read - Herbal Sensitive Toothpaste: Lifesaver For Your Sensitive Teeth 

In summary-

Sensitive teeth can greatly impact your quality of life, but people can regain comfort and confidence in their dental health with a full grasp of the underlying causes and practical management techniques. People with sensitive teeth can enjoy life without worrying about their teeth by practising good oral hygiene, getting expert help when necessary, and treating underlying issues.


Written by Dr. Shipra Jaiswal, BDS, MDS, a Periodontist and Gums Specialist

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